1. Dr Nalina Gnanavelrajah (Sri Lanka). Dissertation title: Modeling sustainable land use options for enhancing carbon sequestration, crop diversity and productivity: A case of Khlong Yai watershed, Easter Region of Thailand [Graduated in Dec 2007]
2. Dr Anisara Pensuk (Thailand). Dissertation title: Consequences of land use change on land quality, water resource and food security in Songkhla Lake Basin, Thailand [Graduated in Dec 2009]
3. Dr Nareeluck Wannasai (Thailand). Dissertation tile: Determinants of land use change in Prasae watershed, Thailand [Graduated in Dec 2010]
4. Dr Akom Sowana (Thailand). Dissertation title: Influence of Coastal Land Use, Fisheries and Socioeconomics on Natural Resources Degradation in Pattani Bay, Thailand [Graduated in Dec 2010]
5. Dr Thirapong Santiphop (Thailand). Dissertation title: Biophysical and social dimensions affecting land use and reforestation in Kanachanaburi, Thailand [Graduated in May 2011]
6. Dr Qasim Said (Pakistan). Dissertation title: Driving forces and conservation strategies of land degradation in Pakistan: A case of Pishin Sub-basin, Balochistan [Graduated in May 2011]
7. Dr EPN Udayakumara (Sri Lanka). Dissertation title: Land degradation and rural livelihood in Samnalawewa catchment, Sri Lanka [Graduated in May 2011]
8. Dr Partoyo (Indonesia). Dissertation title: An analysis of land use options and strategies for food availability and land conservation in Yogyakarta, Indonesia [Graduated in Dec 2011]
9. Dr Paul Jonas Ligonja (Tanzania). Dissertation Title:Assessment of environmental and socioeconomicbenefits of soil conservation in semi-arid regions of Tanzania: the case of Kondoa Eroded Area [July 2013]
10. Dr Onanong Cheablam (Thailand). Dissertation Title: Impact of climate change on tourism in Mu Ko Surin National Park, Thailand [December 2014]
11. Dr Ngo Thanh Son (Viet Nam). Dissertation title: Effect of land use change on runoff and sediment yield using remote sensing and SWAT model in northwest Vietnam [December 2015]
12. Dr Wirongrong Duangjai (Thailand). Dissertation title: Institutional factors affecting land use-decision making and livelihoods: a case study of Doi Mea Salong, Chiang Rai province, Northern Thailand [December 2015]
13. Dr Phutchard Vicharnakorn (Thailand). Dissertation title: Carbon Stock Assessment using Remote Sensing and Forest Inventory Data in Savannakhet, Lao PDR [May 2016]
14. Dr Sunsanee Arunyawat (Thailand). Dissertation title:Effect of Land Use Change on Ecosystem Services in Wang Thong Watershed, Northern Thailand [December 2016]
15. Dr Kyawt Kay Khaing Tun (Myanman). Dissertation title: Impact of land degradation on crop production in dry zone Myanmar [July 2016]
16. Dr Kanda Sakayarote (Thailand). Disseration title: Effect of Land Use Change on Small holders’ Livelihood and Food Security in Northeast Thailand [May 2017]
17. Dr Yutthaphong Kheereemangkla (Thailand). Dissertation Title: Hyrdologic Responses to Land Management and Villagers’ Willingness to Pay for Improved Watershed Management in the Chi River Sub-basin Northeast Thailand [December 2017]
18. Dr Somnuck Pongsai (Thailand). Dissertation title: GIS-based decision support system for soil conservation and management: a case study of Huai Nam micro-watershed, Nan province, Thailand [Graduated in Dec 2010] – Co-chair with Dr. D. Schmidt-vogt]
19 .Dr Muhmmad Arshad (Pakistan). Dissertation title: Evaluation of sweet sorghum-legume intercropping for food and bioethanol production under selected agronomic practices [Graduated in July 2012, Co-chair with Dr. S.L. Ranamukarachchi]
20. Dr Muhammad Ejaz Ul Islam Dar (Pakistan). Dissertation title: Human livelihood and impacts on the vegetation of Machira National Park, Azad Jammu Kashmir, Pakistan [Graduated in December 2012, Co-chair with Dr R.Cochard]
21. Dr. Man Purotananon (Thailand). Dissertation Title: Water Policy Processes: The Interplay of Politics, Powers and Partnering The Study on Negotiation Process of Multi-stakeholders In Sub-watershed of Prachinburi, Central Thailand [Graduated December 2014, Co-chair with Prof. Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt]
22. Dr. Soontaree Sakprachawut (Thailand). Dissertation Title: Land Titling, Support Services and Agricultural Household Investments: Case study in Uthaithani Province of Thailand [Graduated May 2018, Co-chair with Dr John Kuwornu]
23. Dr Rehan Ul Haq (Pakistan). Dissertation Title: Factors Affecting the Abundance, Species Richness, and Behavior of Waterbirds in Bung Boraphet Wetland, Central Thailand[December 2018. External examiner: Dr Alice Catherine Hugh, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
24. Dr Sumana Maneepitak (Thailand). Dissertation title: Effects of water and residue management on methane and nitrous oxide emission and carbon footprint from irrigated rice in the central plain of Thailand, [May 2019. External examiner: Prof. Gulshan Mahajan, The University of Queensland]
25. Dr Surutwadee Pak-Uthai (Thailand). Dissertation title: Coping with drought: Farmer's actions and public policies in suphaburi province, Thailand [Graduated: Dec 2019, Co-chair with Dr Nicolas Faysee]
26. Dr Deddy Romulo Siagian (Indonesia. Dissertation title: Impact Assessment of Land Use Change on the Future Rice Production Vulnerability in Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia [Graduated: Dec 2019]
27. Dr Kaewjai Oechaiyaphum (Thailand). Dissertation title: The influence of agricultural management practices on soil fertility, farm profitability and labor requirement of farm households in northeast Thailand [July 2022]
28. Dr Mohammad Imran (Pakistan). Dissertation title: Farmers' perception and adaptation behaviors in changing climate: a case study of irrigated Punjab, Pakistan [Dec 2022]
29. Dr Chalermpol Wangsomcholk (Thailand). Dissertation title: The impact of warmer sea surface temperatures on gross primary production in the Southeast Asia Region [Dec 2023]
30. Dr Juan Du (PR China). Dissertation title: Evaluation of the ecosystem services values and its ecological compensation standard: a case study or urban lake wetlands in Wuhan city [Dec 2023]
31. Jaruporn Tosang (Thailand). Dissertation title: Identifying best management practices to control soil erosion and sediment transport under future climate change scenarios in the Lamtakhong river basin, Thailand (on going)
32. Tanasak Phosrikun (Thailand). Dissertation title: Effect of regional development schemes on land cover and livelihoods in the Mekong river bank areas of Thailand (on going)
33. Sonia Nasrin (Bangladesh).
34. Angkana Somsak ((Thailand).
35. Djolly Ma. Pugong Dinamling (Philippines).
99 Master's students already graduated not listed here
External PhD students
1. Dr Nguyen Lam Dao, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Dissertation title:Rice crop monitoring using new generation synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery [2009].
2. Dr Bed Mani Dahal, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway. Dissertation title:Agricultural intensification in a mid-hill watershed of Nepal: Socioeconomic and environmental implications [2010].
3. Dr Laxmi Prasad Sharma, Birla Institute of Technology, India. Dissertation title: Landslide Vulnerability Assessment And Zonation Through Geo-Informatics [2012]
4. Dr Salma, University of Peshawar, Pakistan. Dissertation title: Climate Change and Variability Trends in Pakistan and Its Environmental Effects [2012]
5. Dr Sisira Ediriweera Patabendige, Southern Cross University, Australia.Dissertationtitle: Refinement of Predictions of Forest Structure and Biomass Using Remote Sensing Techniques in a Topographically Complex Landscape. [2013]
6. Dr R. Manon Mani,Anna University, India. DissertationTitle: Analysis of land use/cover dynamics with climate and socioeconomic parameters using an empirical modeling in rainfed agriculture area of upper Kodgnar basin, Tamil Nadu [2015]
7. Dr Him Lal Shrestha, Kathmandu University, Nepal. DissertationTitle: Carbon Stocks under Various Land Management Regimes: Implications for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Nepal [2015]
8. Dr Nur Ainun Harlin Pulungan, Indonesia. Innsbruck University, Austria. Dissertation Title: Spatial Pattern of Soil Charactteristics and Soil Formation in the Transitional Landscape Zone, Central part of Bogowonto catchment, Java, Indonesia [2016]
9. Dr Aditya K. Joshi. TERI University, India. Dissertation Title: Resource utilization patterns and forest ecosystem services in lesser Himalayas [2017]
10. Dr Ognjen Žurovec. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Dissertation Title: Agriculture, livelihoods and climate change in Bosnia and Herzegovina – Impacts, vulnerability and adaptation [2018]
11. Mr. Deepak Kumar Gautam. Kathmandu University, Nepal. Dissertation Title: Sustainable Agricultural Diversification for Livelihood Security and Climate Adaptation in the Nepal Mid-hills [2018]
12. Gh Nabi Najar, Central University of Punjab, India, Dissertation Title: Watershed Characterization and Management Planning of Harike Wetland using Remote Sensing and GIS approach [2019]
13. Furqan Ishak Aksa, State University of Malang, Indonesia. Dissertation title: Development of Disaster Geography Textbook Based on Knowledge Ladder to Increase Student Capacity in Facing Disasters [2020]
14. Hansa Devisingh Rajput, Malvia National Institute of Technology, India, Dissertation Title: Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Flow Modeling of Bhwadi Region of Alwar District, Rajasthan [2020]
15. Dipa Paudel, Institute of Forestry, Tribhuvan university, Nepal, Dissertation title: Agroforestry practices in the mid-hills of Nepal; gender, household income, carbon sequestration, and climate change adaptation perspective [2022]
16. Viral A. Dave, Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, India. Dissertation Title: Desertification characterization using predictive soil modelling and pattern recognition [2023]